Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Genuine Contact Way of Learning: Learning from Experience

Our teaching model is rooted in experience. The platform design for the model is Whole Person Process Facilitation. The reality of learning from experience is embedded in ancestral worldviews from which our model evolves.

Weil and McGill define "experiential education" as the process whereby people, individually and in association with others, engage in direct encounter and then purposefully reflect upon, validate, transform, give personal meaning to and seek to integrate their different ways of knowing" (1989:248). This definition underscores the idea of direct encounter as a necessary base for experiential learning. Our model allows for integration of different ways of knowing. It allows the learner to use more of his or her senses to learn, which reinforces the understanding that learning comes many sources - including oneself - not only from the formal theory promoted by experts.

An experiential and embodied approach to teaching and learning can help learners re-awaken the knowledge that their bodies are continuously giving them feedback. An experiential and embodied approach to facilitating, leading or managing can have the same impact.

Griffin reaffirms: "Our bodies reflect our emotions: anxiety becomes tense shoulder muscles or knots in the stomach; embarrassment turns into blush on the cheeks. Sometimes we feel the bodily reaction without having noticed the emotion. Sometimes we ignore the emotion, sometimes we deny it or repress it. The body knows it is there, however, and expresses it in some way". (1988:115)

Source: Fyre Jean Graveline
Photo: www.sxc.hu/photo/1019278

1 comment:

Claudia said...

Manfred Spitzer, a German professor who specialised on brain studies and learning processes of the brain states in his book "Learning - Brain Studies and the School of Life" (Lernen - Gehirnforschung und die Schule des Lebens), that we learn more while in contact with other persons than with any brain training technique like brain jogging etc..
So brain studies support what we feel and experience: that Genuine Contact and the WPPF workshop design is a powerful way to support and enhance individual and group learnings.