Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Feminine Archetypes

Archetypes are, by their very nature, universal and indestructible. The complementarity of opposites assures us that, even in patriarchal cultures that are hostile to the feminine, feminine archetypes cannot forever be suppressed. Archetypes are not irrational forms of thought; rather they are supra-rational, beyond the parameters of logical thought and if we accept the idea of the “collective unconscious” as an image for the deep cultural substratum common to humanity, they are universally present—hence their power to move, to affect, to influence. Suppression of an archetype only results in denial of attributes and spiritual resources that we, as humans, need. Therefore, the female leader will, of necessity, model in various proportions the attributes inherent in the four archetypes of the mature feminine. Of these, the Queen is the leader par excellence. But the Queen must encompass other qualities as well. The road to Queenship takes an

aspiring leader through the path of the Faerie and/or the Wise One. These two in turn remain puerile or sterile without the life-affirming attributes of the Lover. Thus, if we reflect on the archetypes of the mature feminine they offer aspiring women leaders models that may serve as sources of strength to help them protect, guide, and inspire their followers.

Source: Prisco R. Hernández

Marquis Bureau

Groupe Courage International

Co-propriétaire - Co-Owner


Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette, QC

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