Tuesday, 20 January 2009

“Leading with Purpose – A Program for Holistic Leadership Development”

Dear Genuine Contact friends,

We are excited to announce that we will be launching “Leading with Purpose – A Program for Holistic Leadership Development” this Sept 21-24, 2009 in Virginia Beach.

Over the last year Michelle Cooper, Marquis Bureau, Donna Clark and Rachel de Assuncao have been working together offering the Genuine Contact trainings in Canada. We are now in the process of developing an advanced leadership development program and want to offer our first workshop during our annual GC fall gathering. We want to use this as an opportunity to get feedback on the content and design of this program from Genuine Contact professionals and others who may have not taken any of the Genuine Contact program. Our intention is to share the resulting design with GC trainers as Foundations 4 of the Genuine Contact Program.

While there are many details to finalize we are committing to the delivery of the program Sept 21 -24 and we will be making it available at a price that is very accessible and developed to cover our costs for space, meals and materials for the training. Since many of you are in the process of making your plans for 2009 including travel to the GC International Mentoring Circle, we wanted to give you a heads up so you can book your travel to take advantage of this opportunity. Why not come on a bit early and participate in this program, contribute to the evolution of the product and add this new program to your own offerings in the year ahead?

If you are interested please let Rachel know at rachel@musango.ca so that we can contact you with further details. We’ll provide further detail to the list by mid-February and hope that many of you can join us!

Rachel Assuncao rachel@musango.ca
Marquis Bureau marquis@mbureau.com
Donna Clark donna@emergentfutures.ca
Michelle Cooper mcooper@integralvisions.com

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